
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) has undertaken planning on the Toowoomba transport network to safely address the predicted rise in traffic congestion through the town centre.

The Toowoomba North South Transport Corridor (TNSTC) strategic planning project has identified a need to connect future residential and employment growth areas while addressing emerging freight needs with the protection of a future transport corridor.

Identifying and protecting a future transport corridor is an important planning initiative that enables the Toowoomba community to make informed decisions about land use investment. Corridor protection ensures urban, rural, commercial and industrial development meets growing community needs and aligns with a future transport corridor.

Currently there is no funding for construction of the proposed transport corridor. As demand for additional north-south transport routes increases, TMR will continue to seek funding for future infrastructure opportunities to meet community needs.

Project map

​This map shows the proposed area for the Toowoomba North South Transport Corridor.

This map shows the proposed area for the Toowoomba North South Transport Corridor. Updated on 6 September 2023.

Have your say

An essential component to confirming the location and protection of a future transport corridor is to undertake community consultation.

The consultation period for community feedback on this project has closed and feedback is being reviewed as part of the planning process to help TMR finalise recommendations to protect the corridor.

TMR appreciates the feedback received and thanks everyone for participating in engagement events or providing feedback via the various channels.

The community will be informed of outcomes when the feedback has been collated, analysed and decision made on protecting the corridor.

The community consultation period commenced on 10 July 2023 and continued for a 14 week period to close on 13 October 2023.

The community will be invited to view further details and have their say in future phases of the project if it progresses past the current phase.

The 2 feedback walls remain open until late 2023 for ongoing feedback to be provided.

All feedback provided via the interactive map and online survey is now closed and the results are able to viewed.