
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is rejuvenating the Rockhampton Railyards.

The site totals 19 hectares and is made up of:

  • an Industrial Precinct – new commercial tenants are being introduced to this precinct through a staged approach.
  • a Heritage Precinct – a Draft Master Plan has been developed to activate this precinct for community and light commercial use. The plan proposes to restore the historic Rockhampton Roundhouse and preserve and celebrate the rich rail history of the Railyards.
TMR has developed a Draft Master Plan for the site's Heritage Precinct. The Draft Master Plan presents a concept design to open up the Roundhouse for community and recreational use for the first time in the site's 100-year history.

As the Heritage Precinct is listed on the Queensland Heritage Register, a technical document called a Conservation Management Plan (CMP) has also been drafted. The CMP will guide any proposed works on the buildings or infrastructure within the heritage precinct, including the historic Roundhouse.

The Draft Master Plan presents a family oriented, flexible use of the precinct as follows:

  • A main entry off Bolsover Street with road access into large open spaces for market stalls, food trucks etc (Bay 1 and 2).
  • A large flexible multi-use event space that can accommodate various events such as workshops, community gatherings or classes (Bay 3).
  • An area dedicated to celebrating the site's history with a museum space for rail exhibits, displays and artefacts connecting to a Heritage Boardwalk in the shape of the Fitzroy River (Bay 4 and inner circle). The boardwalk would be elevated and lead to a historic locomotive. Signage would be installed along the boardwalk to educate visitors on the site's rich rail history. Some existing railway tracks would be restored and left exposed. The turntable (pictured at the centre of the Roundhouse) would be decked and opened up for safe visitor interaction via a pedestrian bridge. This area also has the option to incorporate a semi-circle amphitheatre around the turntable with a stage and seating that connects to the pedestrian bridge.
  • Existing offices spaces (Bay 5 and 6) available for light commercial tenants.
  • A large hospitality space for light commercial use such as a restaurant or café (Bay 7)
  • Designated play spaces for children (inner circle of the Roundhouse) including the 'Big Lawn', train-related play equipment, grass mounds and shade.
  • Dedicated areas around the turntable with comfortable seating to support socialising and casual gatherings.
  • Two outbuildings – the Boiler Room and Timekeepers Office – would also be restored, and new amenities constructed with toilets.

It is proposed that the precinct would be opened up in stages. The timeframes for these stages are not yet defined.

As the Draft Master Plan is conceptual (high level), further planning and assessments will need to be undertaken including detailed design, heritage approvals and funding applications.

Consultation now closed

From 5-23 February 2024, TMR invited the community to view the Draft Master Plan and provide feedback on the following:

  • the overall Draft Master Plan, including the proposed spaces within the Roundhouse
  • the proposed staged activation of the precinct (stages 1 to 4)
  • stories or memories of the Roundhouse and Railyards to inform future planning for a museum or heritage centre at the site.

All feedback is now being considered by the project team. TMR would like to thank those community members who participated in the consultation process.

Next steps

The delivery of the Master Plan is subject to detailed design, heritage approvals and funding.

Detailed design, which includes a range of technical assessments and investigations, is now underway. Key stakeholder and community feedback received through consultation is being considered through this process, and will inform the finalisation of the Master Plan.

TMR is committed to keeping key stakeholders and the community informed as the project progresses.

To stay up-to-date, register your details to receive project updates via email.

Roundhouse facts