
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is proposing to revoke a portion (around 20 hectares) of the 650-hectare declared Bassett Basin Fish Habitat Area (FHA) to accommodate proposed road and bridge infrastructure associated with the future Mackay Port Access project.

TMR is committed to minimising and mitigating environmental and cultural heritage impacts resulting from project delivery.

The Bassett Basin FHA is located on the northern side of the Pioneer River in Mackay and includes the tidal sections of Vines, Barnes and Goosepond creeks. TMR is proposing to add 8 additional areas (totalling 42.5 hectares) to the declared Bassett Basin FHA. The addition of these areas would increase the Bassett Basin FHA to 670 hectares. The additional areas have been assessed to contain suitable and valuable fish habitats. Incorporating these areas as declared FHAs will safeguard the valuable habitat areas from future development and ensure continued enjoyment for community use.

An information package detailing the proposal, including a fact sheet and map of the proposed revocation area and areas for addition to the Bassett Basin FHA can be obtained below.

Bassett Basin Fish Habitat Area

Bassett Basin Fish Habitat Area

Proposed Fish Habitat exclusion and inclusion areas.

FHAs are declared and managed under the provisions of the Fisheries Act 1994 and protect key areas of high-quality fish habitats for the purpose of sustaining Queensland’s fish stocks and fisheries. Declared FHA management provides long-term protection for the natural fish habitats, while allowing the continued community use and enjoyment of the area. Please note activities such as legal recreational, commercial and traditional fishing and boating can continue in a declared FHA.

More information about Queensland’s network of declared FHAs is available via the Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DETSI) Parks and Forests webpage.

Invitation for public comment

Members of the public were invited to provide comment on the proposed revocation area and on the 8 additional sites. Feedback received from this consultation process will be considered for incorporation into a Declared Fish Habitat Area Revocation Assessment Study, which will be submitted to the DETSI to inform final assessment of the revocation proposal.

Submissions closed 7 March 2025.