The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is progressing an $8.98 million planning project to determine the best long-term solution for the Barron River bridge.
Comprehensive investigations have resulted in 2 potential options which provide the desired outcomes of catering for future capacity improvements, providing a safe solution for pedestrians, bike riders and mobility device users, facilitating heavy vehicle access and minimising environmental impacts.
Careful consideration has been given to how the 2 options can
be constructed and disruption minimised. Whether a new bridge or an upgrade to
the existing bridge, traffic disruption during construction is unavoidable.
In the current stage of planning, the 2 options are being investigated in more detail. This is a necessary step in securing funding for construction.
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TMR sought feedback from the community about the 2 potential options. Submissions closed 8 December 2023.
Option 1
Option 1: Major upgrade
This option is a major upgrade of the existing bridge on the same alignment. A temporary bridge will be built to maintain traffic access during construction. Some traffic disruptions will be involved during construction.

Option 2
Option 2 - New bridge
This option is a new bridge on a new alignment, downstream of the existing alignment. Construction will involve some traffic disruptions, however generally traffic can use the existing bridge while the new bridge is under construction.