Beerburrum to Nambour Rail Upgrade (B2N)
Assessment by Preliminary Documentation under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
Referral: EPBC 2020/8803
The proposed B2N project area is surrounded by a unique landscape that has significant environmental, cultural and heritage attributes. While the project will provide a range of benefits to the Sunshine Coast region, TMR is committed to minimising and mitigating environmental impacts.
The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) has deemed the B2N project a 'controlled action' for assessment by Preliminary Documentation under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The relevant sections of the EPBC Act assessed in relation to the B2N project include listed threatened species and communities (Section 18 and 18A), and listed migratory species (Sections 20 and 20A).
The referral can be viewed on the DAWE website, filter by referral number 2020/8803.
TMR sought community comment on the draft Preliminary Documentation response report in November/December 2021 and the final Preliminary Documentation response report was submitted to DAWE for assessment on 15 December 2021. The final report and attachments are in the document library on this page. Copies can also be viewed at the Queensland State Library, Beerwah and Nambour Libraries.
On 25 February 2022, DAWE advised the project was approved with conditions.
In accordance with conditions 5 and 7 of EPBC 2020-8803, stage 1 main works can proceed following Ministerial approval of an Offset Area Management Plan (OAMP). There are no further environmental constraints on early works clearing and construction.